Friday, December 5, 2014

Leaders of Learning

I've been reflecting lately on the term "teacher" as it relates to our initiatives on campus.  The definition of a teacher according to Webster is:

noun: a person or thing that teaches something; especially : a person whose job is to teach students about certain subjects

I think we should call our classroom educators "Leaders of Learning" instead of "Teachers"...  Isn't that what we want them to do?  Suddenly, many school administrators are working to shift the thought process from the WHAT to the HOW.
“How do our students learn?”
"How can I format this lesson to ensure students learn?"

Good educators take this to the level it needs to be by recognizing that all students learn differently.  Differentiated classroom learning experiences are a regular practice rather than "something else to do". 

Why is this shift of thinking so critical?  
  • Our students are currently being prepared for a world that we can hardly imagine.  
  • We are deeply entrenched into a world of learning, where learning is as common as breathing in our responsive, quick feedback technologically advanced society.
  • Our students are Digital Natives.  They have the ability to use tools to learn in the way that suites them best if provided this differentiation to become the critical thinkers that will help them achieve success in their future.
  • It's best for kids...And isn't that why we are in this business?
Learning is at the core of teaching today — and just about everything else. Where are you on your personal learning journey?  How can you make the shift from being a teacher to a Leader of Learning?

Thursday, November 6, 2014

#PhD2015 Digital Fluency

For the first time in a long time, I am SERIOUSLY working on finishing my doctoral degree.  It feels good because I feel like my mind is completely wrapped around the topic, since it is near and dear to my educational philosophies. 

I will be talking to graduates of online principal preparation programs to see if the virtual learning environment increased their competence as a leader to implement 21st century learning skills, specifically digital fluency and digital literacy on their campuses.

In an edchat yesterday, we were challenged to consider the changes in education - students, teachers, & parents, as well as explore how to improve the learning environments on our campus so that 21st century skills are embedded deeper into our campus culture. 

I would love for school leaders to share how you embed 21st century skills in your campus culture, specifically digital fluency! 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Seemless Implementation

We are so excited that we have the majority of our netbooks rolled out to our 7th and 8th grade students.  Let the 1-to-1 technology infusion begin!

As I have went into classrooms the last week, it is exciting to see students utilizing technology!  Here are some tips and tricks for teachers working to establish a successful one to one classroom:

10 Tips for A Successful One-to-One Classroom | WeAreTeachers

I would love to hear the ways you have supported a one to one environment, whether from a teacher or administrative perspective!


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Classroom Management Resources

I found an article by Edutopia as I was scouring Twitter, that I feel is timely and is a great resource to all teachers:

Edutopia Classroom Management Resources

I've spent a lot of time in classrooms over the last week, and I'm so excited about what I see.  In fact, I have to admit that I am a little bit jealous of all my teachers.  I love procedures...and I love relationships.  There are many times I miss having my own classroom, and the beginning of school is one of those times. They get to set the tone in their classrooms... What an exciting challenge! 

No matter where we are in our careers, I think we can all pull from the resources on Edutopia to perfect our classroom management craft...Spend some time perusing and enjoy!

Here's to a great school year!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Flashcards about Bloom's Taxonomy

Flashcards about Bloom's Taxonomy

One of our activities as we explore the revised Bloom's Taxonomy is to practice categorizing a description into the correct level of Bloom's.

I created flashcards in StudyStack... What a great way to practice and apply the information we learned!


Sunday, July 27, 2014

Seemless Implementation, That's the goal...

A quote I found has really made me think about where we are going on my campus.

"We must move beyond the implementation phase of change when new ideas and practices are tried for the first time, to the institutionalization phase when new practices are integrated effortlessly into teachers' repertoires.  This holds true for leaders as well and might ultimately be more important for sustainable change."                                                                                                                       --Anderson and Stiegelbauer (1994)

We have come a long way at Irma Marsh.  I'm excited about how we have learned to utilize technology applications over the last year.  With our 1-to-1 moving to both 7th and 8th grades this year, we have an even greater urgency to not only learn about new tools and applications, but implement our technology resources seamlessly into lessons.  Rather than technology being "something else to plan", we need to move to the mindset that technology resources should be used to support the curriculum at the intended rigor of the TEKS.  When our 21st century learners are engaged in the work provided to them, great things will happen!  Let's do this!

I'm excited about our continued journey this year!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Eric Sheninger's Digital Leadership - Summary of Chapter 9

This is a great read for anyone that would like to grow and improve as a digital leader.  Eric is a principal that has a handle on what kids need in our digital-aged society to help them be successful in their future...

Chapter 9 was really interesting to me because I continuously strive as a leader to include digital resources and cutting age technology in all that I do as a model for my teachers.  I try to engage my TEACHERS so that they in turn find it easy to engage their STUDENTS.  Hence the title of this chapter:  Increasing Student Engagement and Enhancing Learning.  A "must read" for digital leaders!

Though many of us believe in technology’s ability to transform teaching and learning environments, others still treat technology as a frill and place high emphasis on standardization of curriculum. 
Digital leadership is a mindset and a call to transform a school’s culture.  Digital tools allow for co-construction of knowledge, sharing of information and feedback.   Increases in student achievement becomes a reality when we meet and anticipate the needs of digital-age learners.   We need to all remember that technology shouldn't be "something else to do", but rather a way to make what we do as educators easier!  This is the direction I hope to take my staff this year...I want to see a seamless infusion of technology resources rather than a planned dog and pony show that isn't at the rigor of the content.

Here is a link to our full summary:
we used a site called Emaze...enjoy!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Instructional Rounds Training

I'm fortunate enough have attended Instructional Rounds training with some great educators this week.  The focus of  our work this year will be supporting instructional improvements on our campus.  Teachers work hard... If there is a way to help them work SMARTER with high-yield instructional strategies, more "bang for the buck" per say? Wouldn't everyone want to try it?  Through my career, I've learned that generally, teachers WANT to improve.  Intrinsic motivation is a great thing that can produce positive extrinsic results.

I've decided to create a "SELFIE" theme on my campus this year..."Wanna take a Selfie?"  Let's begin looking at ourselves and our instructional practices in order to increase achievement in our classrooms.  I'm pretty excited!

Here are some quotes that can formulate discussion/reflection as an educator:

"An optimal classroom climate for learning is one that generates an atmosphere of trust - a climate in which it is understood that it is okay to make mistakes, because mistakes are the essence of learning."  -- Hattie, J. (2012)

"Perhaps the simplest way to improve classroom questioning is simply not to ask for volunteers, but instead choose a student at random."  --Dylan Williams (2014)

"Studies have shown that holding students accountable for higher-order thinking by using assignments and assessments that require intellectual work and critical thinking increases student motivation as well as achievement."  --S. Brookhart (2010)

Monday, June 16, 2014

Quest to Grow as a Digital Leader

I was reflecting on the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Administrators, trying to identify ways to become a stronger leader in this age of digital leadership.

The components are:
Visionary Leadership - How do I inspire and lead the implementation of a comprehensive integration of technology?  How do I promote excellence and support of this transformation in my organization?

Digital-Age Learning Culture - How do I create, promote, and sustain a digital culture that provides rigorous, relevant, and engaging educational experiences for our students?

Excellence in Professional Practice - How do I empower my educators to embrace their own personal learning to enhance student learning by infusing technology and digital resources?

Systemic Improvement - How do I continuously improve the organization through the use of information and technology resources?

Digital Citizenship - Do I model and facilitate understanding of social, ethical, and legal issues and responsibilities to an evolving digital culture?

Overall, I think that I am on track to becoming a strong digital leader.  I believe it begins with an understanding and a belief that technology tools are the key to engaging our learners and preparing them for their future.  As an administrator, I must model and inspire my teachers to embrace this mindset.  I cannot do it alone.

Some things I will do:
  • Continue to model technology tools every chance that I can...
  • I plan on having all teachers sign up for a Conversation Circle, based on their perceived needs as a teacher.  These circles will consist of a flipped PD approach, with videos to view, then Google Hangout Conversations with members in the circle about their topic.
  • Make sure that teachers have the equipment and skills needed to successfully infuse technology tools with their curriculum.
  • Empower my teachers to be digital leaders on the campus.
Becoming a strong digital leader is a journey...I'm excited to be on it!  Give me your feedback.  What are you doing to improve your digital leadership on your campus?  I'm excited to hear your thoughts!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Why start a blog?

Blogging is something that I've always wanted to do, but haven't found the time - UNTIL NOW! (As a principal I've realized that there will never really be time unless I make it, so don't think for second that I'm sitting around twiddling my thumbs with 6.5 days of school left!)

So who am I?...and why in the world should you take time to read MY blog?

Well, I'm in my 14th year as a Texas educator.  Seven of these years were teaching, both elementary and middle school science, five years as a middle school assistant principal, and I am currently finishing up my second year as a middle school principal. I have a passion for educating students and supporting the teachers that are on the front line of this challenge, neither of which is an easy job.  The positive thing is that we are all working toward a common goal of student success, and we can support each other through this journey!

I'm going to focus on exploring the needs and challenges that educators face as we strive to lead the learning of our 21st century students.  As I always tell my teachers, don't bring me problems without bringing possible solutions.  I will strive to provide both, and I value your collaboration as an important piece of the journey!

Happy Reading!
