Tuesday, January 20, 2015

College Focus Event - TCC Mobile Go Center

Today was an exciting day at IMMS!  The TCC Mobile Go Center came to Castleberry High School, and they allowed us to bring over 80 of our 8th graders for a quick lesson focused on College and Careers.

Have you ever seen the unit?  It is pretty neat...The theme is Success is Within Reach, and after leaving, our students talked about all that they learned with a renewed sense of excitement.

Here are a few pictures:

Of course, I LOVE the large Texas A&M flag on the wall, but the two rows of laptops were really neat!  Students used the website, www.texasrealitycheck.com to choose how they want to live after college, then the website provided career choices that made a salary high enough for the students to support their chosen lifestyle.

Thanks to the TCC Go team, the CHS counselors, and Ms. Roz & Mr. Martinez (our IMMS counselors) for making this happen! I hope that all of our 8th graders can attend next year!

If you are in the Texas area, you should look into having this great program come to your campus! What college readiness programs have you used on your campuses?  How do you spark an excitement for college with your students?  I look forward to hearing your ideas!


  1. Where is the Baylor flag? Budget money should be found... :-)

  2. Love the idea that kids see college as a true possibility.
