Friday, December 5, 2014

Leaders of Learning

I've been reflecting lately on the term "teacher" as it relates to our initiatives on campus.  The definition of a teacher according to Webster is:

noun: a person or thing that teaches something; especially : a person whose job is to teach students about certain subjects

I think we should call our classroom educators "Leaders of Learning" instead of "Teachers"...  Isn't that what we want them to do?  Suddenly, many school administrators are working to shift the thought process from the WHAT to the HOW.
“How do our students learn?”
"How can I format this lesson to ensure students learn?"

Good educators take this to the level it needs to be by recognizing that all students learn differently.  Differentiated classroom learning experiences are a regular practice rather than "something else to do". 

Why is this shift of thinking so critical?  
  • Our students are currently being prepared for a world that we can hardly imagine.  
  • We are deeply entrenched into a world of learning, where learning is as common as breathing in our responsive, quick feedback technologically advanced society.
  • Our students are Digital Natives.  They have the ability to use tools to learn in the way that suites them best if provided this differentiation to become the critical thinkers that will help them achieve success in their future.
  • It's best for kids...And isn't that why we are in this business?
Learning is at the core of teaching today — and just about everything else. Where are you on your personal learning journey?  How can you make the shift from being a teacher to a Leader of Learning?

1 comment:

  1. I guess I'll go first. . . My personal learning journey revolves around trying to meet the needs and interests of all students. I believe students learn when they perceive relevance in what they are learning. It's my job as a librarian to try to provide whatever seems relevant to the students in order to motivate them to read. Also I need to help provide instruction on the correct ways to use digital resources. While our kids may be "Digital Natives", most have not been taught many aspects of Digital Citizenship, which include much more than just preventing cyberbullying. Navigating and researching the internet without instruction and guidance is like throwing a non-swimmer into the deep end and saying "Go for it!" Making the shift to just providing digital resources and passwords to leading the learning of how to effectively use these resources is one goal I have for the new year.
