The components are:
Visionary Leadership - How do I inspire and lead the implementation of a comprehensive integration of technology? How do I promote excellence and support of this transformation in my organization?
Digital-Age Learning Culture - How do I create, promote, and sustain a digital culture that provides rigorous, relevant, and engaging educational experiences for our students?
Excellence in Professional Practice - How do I empower my educators to embrace their own personal learning to enhance student learning by infusing technology and digital resources?
Systemic Improvement - How do I continuously improve the organization through the use of information and technology resources?
Digital Citizenship - Do I model and facilitate understanding of social, ethical, and legal issues and responsibilities to an evolving digital culture?
Overall, I think that I am on track to becoming a strong digital leader. I believe it begins with an understanding and a belief that technology tools are the key to engaging our learners and preparing them for their future. As an administrator, I must model and inspire my teachers to embrace this mindset. I cannot do it alone.
Some things I will do:
- Continue to model technology tools every chance that I can...
- I plan on having all teachers sign up for a Conversation Circle, based on their perceived needs as a teacher. These circles will consist of a flipped PD approach, with videos to view, then Google Hangout Conversations with members in the circle about their topic.
- Make sure that teachers have the equipment and skills needed to successfully infuse technology tools with their curriculum.
- Empower my teachers to be digital leaders on the campus.
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